Duration: One day (8 hours/day)
Requirements: anyone can take this seminar
Cost: $300 ($240 Students)
Continuing Education: R.Ac.s and T.C.M.P.s - 7.5 CEUs
N.D.s - 7.5 CE credits Category A (pending)
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Pulse-taking and Diagnosis is one of the most reliable and important diagnostic tools in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), guiding a practitioner to the most essential aspects of the patient’s disharmony. It has also recently been examined under the critical lens of evidence-based medicine. This presentation offers a brief review of the traditional basics of Pulse Diagnosis, but mostly concentrates on more advanced aspects of clinical pulse-taking for practitioners, including contemporary research evaluating its effectiveness and integrating pulse observations with modern pathologies. This seminar presents Pulse-taking and Diagnosis with a focus on practical application, drawing from the instructor's background in Western medicine and doctorate in TCM to clearly explain both techniques in traditional and modern medical terms.
Emphasis is on the clinical application of Pulse-taking and Diagnosis, highlighting its strengths and identifying its limitations, taking into consideration classical theory and recent scientific investigation. Additional discussion includes how to integrate Pulse observations with Tongue observations, the other pillar of contemporary TCM diagnosis.
During one pulse-taking session, many different pulses and combinations of pulses may be felt. Participants take the pulses of others in the course, as well as their own pulse. The instructor will explain each pulse variation step-by-step until every participant has felt and understood what has been described to them. Explanations of various pulses are also offered in traditional and modern medical terms.
Practical basics of traditional pulse-taking can be learned quite quickly and are easily integrated into professional or student practice. Advanced Pulse diagnosis can be an extremely accurate and revealing diagnostic tool for internal imbalances and diseases. Detailed analysis and advanced application require time and development of tactile sensitivity that this seminar will lay the necessary groundwork for, including:
Learning about all 28 types of pulse in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Medical applications of traditional pulse-taking
Simplified application of pulse-taking to assist acupuncture point selection
Introduction to the importance of pulse-taking over the four limbs
Integration of Tongue and Pulse observations to evaluate health
Overview of evidence-based claims for Tongue and Pulse diagnosis
Successful graduates will be awarded a certificate in TCM Pulse-taking and Diagnosis: Clinical Applications.